Important update :

Please note, there has been signs of Blue Green Algae in the Regatta and Ski Tow Lake. For important information on the affects of Blue Green Algae please visit our water quality page here.

Activities such as Wipeout take place on a different body of water and are not impacted. 

Etiquette & Protocol

Gym Etiquette

Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024

  • All users of the gym are required to complete an induction and a PAR-Q medical questionnaire.
  • All personal belongings are to be stored in the lockers provided.
  • Appropriate clothing and footwear for the activity must be worn.
  • Before commencing your workout, please remember to sign in.
  • If you are unsure how to use a piece of equipment, ask an instructor for help.
  • At peak times, use may be limited to 15 minutes per piece of equipment. This is at the discretion of an instructor, but please be considerate to other users.
  • Remember to bring water with you and drink regularly before, during and after your workout to avoid dehydration.